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Text File | 1993-06-07 | 28.4 KB | 627 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- TidBITS#179/07-Jun-93
- =====================
- Two new PowerBooks and some volume software pricing deals blossom
- a week early on the Apple tree, followed by an excellent article
- on those pesky hardware handshaking cables that you need for
- fast modems. We also review Peirce Software's Smoothie, and
- provide bits about Retrospect A/UX, MacIntercomm, QuickTime 1.6
- bugs, and phone line oddities. Finally, an announcement of the
- book I'm working on about connecting to the Internet from
- a Macintosh.
- Copyright 1990-1993 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
- publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Other
- publications please contact us. We do not guarantee the accuracy
- of articles. Caveat lector. Publication, product, and company
- names may be registered trademarks of their companies. Disk
- subscriptions and back issues are available - email for details.
- For information send email to info@tidbits.com or ace@tidbits.com
- CIS: 72511,306 -- AppleLink: ace@tidbits.com@internet#
- AOL: Adam Engst -- Delphi: Adam_Engst -- BIX: TidBITS
- TidBITS -- 1106 North 31st Street -- Renton, WA 98056 USA
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/07-Jun-93
- The Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh
- New PowerBooks Ship
- Apple Volume Software Licenses
- Cable Conundrums
- Smoothie With A Capital SMOO
- Reviews/07-Jun-93
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-179.etx; 29K]
- MailBITS/07-Jun-93
- ------------------
- Sigh. It turns out that the Post Office added another ZIP code to
- our area shortly before we moved. Of course, no one told us about
- this, and we didn't notice right away. If you have our address in
- a database, the correct ZIP code is 98056. Sorry for the trouble.
- **Retrospect A/UX**, which is almost identical to Retrospect 2.0
- but includes full support for both Unix and Macintosh file
- systems, was announced recently by Dantz Development. Retrospect
- A/UX requires Apple's A/UX 3.0.1 and should be available in early
- June. Dantz Development -- 510/849-0293 -- 510/849-1708 (fax) --
- DANTZ@applelink.apple.com
- **The highlight** of the annual Computer Bowl occurred when Bill
- Gates, who was a judge, posed the following question to the
- contestants:
- "What contest, held via Usenet, is dedicated to examples of weird,
- obscure, bizarre, and really bad programming?"
- After a moment of silence, Jean-Louis Gassee (ex-honcho at Apple)
- hit his buzzer and answered "Windows."
- Mr. Bill's expression was, in the words of one who was there,
- "classic."
- **Modem Follies** -- A number of people wrote in about Mark
- Anbinder's article in TidBITS #176_ concerning a strange line
- noise problem. It seems that this problem was big news in
- Australia some time back, as Ian MacColl <macoll@qut.edu.au>
- reported, and some of the theories there included some phones
- drawing too much power from the line, a capacitor charging to
- maintain stored numbers, or the affected phones reporting to their
- superiors at Telecom Australia Headquarters (a popular choice,
- since the problem was cyclical).
- Ed Segall <edward.segall@n3.sp.cs.cmu.edu> proposed an alternate
- theory based on a problem he had and solved. Apparently, if the
- phone creates Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), the RFI can
- wreak havoc on modem connections. Ed said the simplest solution
- (short of buying a new phone) is a $20 AT&T Radio Frequency
- filter.
- John Harkin <jh@nbn.com> had the best sounding theory, suggesting
- that the problem is caused by "the nonlinearities of the input
- impedances caused by cheap transformers." I don't know what it
- means, but I like the sound of it.
- **MacIntercomm** and MacIntercomm Lite, originally developed by
- Mercury Computing, have been acquired by New World Computing
- (NWC). MacIntercomm is best known for its ability to transfer
- files at full speed in the background no matter what the
- foreground process. NWC -- 818/999-0607 -- help@inter.com --
- intercomm@aol.com
- **QuickTime 1.6 bugs** are popping up all over. Jon Pugh
- <jpugh@apple.com> reported on Info-Mac that he isolated a conflict
- between QuickTime 1.6 and Now Toolbox 4.0.1p that caused problems
- when resolving an alias that mounts a network volume. In addition,
- two companies that I beta test for have mentioned that QuickTime
- 1.6 conflicts with the latest betas of their software (and no, I'm
- not going to say who since it's not shipping software). Beware.
- The Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh
- --------------------------------------
- It's time to let the electronic cat out of the proverbial bag. I'm
- writing my first book, although after 4.3 MB of TidBITS I suppose
- it's not quite a novel concept. As you may have guessed from the
- title above, the book is specifically aimed at providing
- information on how to find, set up, and use an Internet connection
- from a Macintosh without bogging down in Unix details or network
- protocols. To that end, the book will come with a free disk of
- informational files and the free and shareware Mac software that
- you need on the net. Along the way I hope to answer all those
- nagging questions about sending email to and from the commercial
- services, where to get what sort of feeds, and that kind of thing.
- And, of course, I want to write about the neatest Internet
- services (making sure to cover all the Macintosh services
- especially), and that's where I could use some help. If you come
- across something truly neat or weird, like an Internet horoscope
- server, or a way of telnetting to your inner child, please drop me
- a line.
- However, I ask that you please don't send me email asking
- questions like where you can get a feed in Cleveland (well,
- probably the FreeNet there) or how to set up MacTCP. As time
- permits, I do try to answer questions in public forums like Info-
- Mac or comp.sys.mac.comm on Usenet if more qualified people don't
- step forward.
- The book should be available this fall from Hayden, although I
- hope to excerpt parts of it in TidBITS before then. I'll let you
- all know when it's available, and we should of course have special
- pricing for TidBITS readers. In addition, I'm looking into
- different ways that the book can become an electronic resource for
- the Internet community.
- In the meantime, if you can't wait to buy a book about the
- Internet, I recommend Ed Krol's "The Whole Internet Users's Guide
- and Catalog" from O'Reilly & Associates (ISBN: 1-56592-025-2). Ed
- covers the technical details of how the Internet works and
- explores the necessary Unix programs like mail, nn, telnet, and
- FTP in great detail, all while retaining a light and readable
- style. I discovered much good information in those sections
- because I learned Unix by osmosis, which seldom provides a
- complete education. Ed also lists a whole slew of Internet
- services toward the end of the book - there's certain to be
- something of interest to everyone. However, the book's strength is
- also its weakness - because "The Whole Internet User's Guide and
- Catalog" is an unparalleled guide to the Unix programs in use on
- the Internet, it fails to provide the platform-specific
- information a Macintosh user would want, both in terms of software
- to use and resources to check out (it doesn't even mention
- TidBITS!). There's nothing that says if you use the Internet you
- have to use Unix when a Mac serves as well, if not better, for
- many people. So that's my bias, and I'm writing a book about
- it. :-) "The Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalog" lists for
- $24.95 and should be readily available from your local bookstore.
- You can also send email to <nuts@ora.com> for comments or
- suggestions on Ed's book.
- New PowerBooks Ship
- -------------------
- by Mark H. Anbinder, News Editor -- mha@baka.ithaca.ny.us
- Technical Support Coordinator, BAKA Computers
- Apple today surprised the world by introducing two PowerBook
- models a full week earlier than had been expected (see TidBITS
- #174_). The new models mark the low and the high end, with a
- budget-priced PowerBook 145B and an active-matrix-color PowerBook
- 180c.
- As we described in past issues (TidBITS #167_, #168_, and #174_),
- even though we had the name wrong early on, the PowerBook 180c is
- an active-matrix color version of the PowerBook 180. The active
- matrix LCD panel on the 180c stands out dramatically when viewed
- next to a 165c (Apple's previous color offering) and lives up to
- the expectations of brighter images and wider viewing angles. In
- addition, the 180c's display is a 640 x 480 pixel unit, making it
- 80 pixels taller than the displays on previous PowerBooks. The
- 180c comes in three configurations ranging in price from $4,159 to
- $4,769.
- The cost-conscious crowd will prefer the PowerBook 145B, a lower-
- price ($1,649-$1,899 retail - watch those street prices!) version
- of the PowerBook 145. This reduces the entry-level price for a
- PowerBook by about 25 percent, thanks to economizing measures
- taken by Apple's engineers and marketing folks. As we reported in
- TidBITS #174_, the 145B ships without system disks (which can be
- requested from Apple should they be needed) and without a
- microphone (though the sound input port is there, and you can add
- a microphone). The engineers also crammed 4 MB onto the logic
- board instead of the previous 2 MB, so the standard 4 MB version
- no longer requires them to ship a 2 MB expansion card in each
- unit.
- We're not sure we like the idea of a Macintosh shipping without
- system disks, but that has been the case with the Performas for
- almost a year, and apparently it works for most users. Since the
- vast majority of purchasers will never request a set of system
- disks, Apple will undoubtedly save quite a bit of money, thereby
- making the low purchase price of the 145B possible.
- More news for PowerBook owners
- Apple today introduced PowerBook File Assistant, a collection of
- features (sort of a little cousin for Connectix PowerBook
- Utilities) that includes file synchronization, deferred printing,
- and backlight dimming, among other things. The software will ship
- later this summer for $79. We'll have more information on
- PowerBook File Assistant once we've seen it.
- Information from:
- Apple propaganda
- Apple Volume Software Licenses
- ------------------------------
- by Mark H. Anbinder, News Editor -- mha@baka.ithaca.ny.us
- Even more exciting (to some) than today's hardware introductions
- is Apple's announcement of the long-awaited Software Volume
- Licensing Program, enabling companies and other organizations
- needing multiple copies of Apple software to purchase them
- economically and efficiently.
- Starting today, products available for volume licensing are System
- 7.1 upgrades, Macintosh PC Exchange, At Ease, Apple Font Pack,
- AppleTalk Remote Access (ARA) Client, Data Access Language (DAL)
- Client, TCP/IP Connection for Macintosh, MacX, SNA-ps 3270, and
- SNA-ps 3270 GC. Apple says that they plan to add more products to
- the list over time.
- The program includes tiered volume pricing based on the number of
- computers licensed per product, with a flat price within each
- tier. Apple's "up and running" toll-free technical support (within
- the U.S.) is included with each license acquisition, and special
- introductory pricing will be available as a promotional kick-off
- for the program.
- To make updates easier, Apple is offering the Apple Software
- Maintenance Program to licensees with fifty or more computers.
- This yearly subscription "will provide updates, upgrades, bug
- fixes, modifications, and/or software enhancements," and will be
- available for all above products except the Apple Font Pack.
- All authorized Apple resellers may participate, so contact yours
- for information. Education and state and local government
- purchasers should contact their Apple sales rep directly. As an
- interesting twist, U.S. customers may acquire volume licenses for
- site locations outside the U.S., though we suspect that certain
- export restrictions, mandated by the State Department, will still
- apply.
- Information from:
- Apple propaganda
- Cable Conundrums
- ----------------
- by Maury Markowitz, SoftArc -- maury@magic-bbs.corp.apple.com
- I draw attention to the article on high speed modems in TidBITS
- #163_.
- > Incidentally, you need a special hardware handshaking cable for
- > these modems to reach their true potential. This is something of a
- > non-issue, since both companies bundle hardware handshaking cables
- > with their Mac packages, but if your modem comes without one of
- > those cables, you'll have to buy one separately (from the modem
- > companies or from MacConnection) for about $15.
- Although it is true that both of these modems (the Practical
- Peripherals PM14400FXSA and Supra's SupraFAXModem v.32bis) ship
- with a hardware handshaking cable, we've found that these cables
- and the vast majority of "hardware handshaking" cables shipped for
- Mac owners are missing a single - but perhaps critical - pin. The
- pin I refer to is the infamous "GPi" pin, or "Pin 7," on your
- Macintosh. Apple defined this pin as a general purpose input
- (hence the name) but left it disconnected on a variety of low-end
- machines. The list of Macs that support this pin is, as far as I
- know, the SE, SE/30, II, IIx, IIcx, IIci, Quadra 700, 800, 900,
- 950, and importantly, the LC III. None of the low-end Macs like
- the Plus, Classic, Classic II, Color Classic, LC, or LC II support
- GPi, and _some_ models of the IIsi support the pin, whereas others
- don't, seemingly at random. I don't know about the IIvi, IIvx, or
- Centris machines yet.
- The problem originates because the Mac serial port has too few
- pins for a full RS-232C implementation. Of the 25 pins defined for
- the RS-232C standard, only the following are needed when talking
- to smart devices like modems.
- Input RD
- Output TD
- Input Handshake CTS
- Output Handshake RTS
- Hang up DTR
- Carrier Detect CD
- Ring Detect RI optional, you can do this in software
- Ground
- Note especially the Handshaking and Carrier Detect
- requirements.
- It looks like you need only seven pins for a fairly good port, so
- the Mac should work fine, right? Well, keep in mind that Mac
- serial ports double as super high-speed RS-422 ports, and some of
- the pins are used to support this.
- In fact, the average Mac only guarantees five pins (perhaps six)
- that can be used, so in order to support RS-232, the modem cable
- has to shoehorn the _required_ RS-232C pins into the smaller Mac
- connector. Here's a list of the available pins and their
- functions, along with their expanded names in case you weren't
- sure what HSKi, HSKo, etc. stand for.
- Mac function Mac name RS RS name
- ------------ --------- -- -------
- RxD receive data RD receive data
- TxD transmit data TD transmit data
- Ground ground ground
- HSKi handshake in CTS clear to send
- HSKo handshake out RTS request to send
- GPi gen purpose CD carrier detect
- In the past, it was easy to make a cable. Input and Output
- handshaking were not required for 2,400 bps operation, and Carrier
- Detect (CD) and Ring (RI) were rarely connected. The resulting
- cable looked like this.
- Mac function RS-232 function Mac pin DB-25 pin
- ------------ --------------- ------- ---------
- RxD (receive) Receive Data 5 3
- TxD (transmit) Transmit Data 3 2
- Ground Ground 4 & 8 7
- HSKo DTR 1 20
- This works well for most 2,400 bps applications. However, a few
- systems required Carrier Detect support in the cable as well,
- since there is no easy way to support Carrier Detect through
- software. Users have no major trouble, if the modem fails to hang
- up the phone, you just turn it off, but a BBS or ARA server has no
- such ability. You can look for RING in software (because RING can
- only come in when there is no one on the modem) but you can't look
- for NO CARRIER in software (because it could appear at any time in
- the serial stream). A number of programs required another cable
- with a slight modification for Carrier Detect.
- Mac function RS-232 function Mac pin DB-25 pin
- ------------ --------------- ------- ---------
- RxD (receive) Receive Data 5 3
- TxD (transmit) Transmit Data 3 2
- Ground Ground 4 & 8 7
- HSKo DTR 1 20
- HSKi CD 2 8
- You can see the problem - both of the Mac handshaking pins (HSKo
- and HSKi) are already used, for DTR hang-up and Carrier Detect!
- These cables prevent using high speed modems at their full
- potential, something that the manufacturers didn't have to worry
- about at that time, because the handshaking pins are not needed
- for low speed. After a few years of this, the most common type of
- cable is the first of the two listed above, cables that are
- guaranteed to lead to confusion if you attempt to use them with
- any high speed modem! Worse, a number of these cables, the ones
- built for a BBS (the second of the two listed above), simply will
- NOT work with high speed modems because of a conflict between the
- need for handshaking and for Carrier Detect.
- In these days of high speed modems, the problems for the BBS
- operator are compounded. Older cables supporting Carrier Detect no
- longer work with faster modems. The solution for these high speed
- modems was a new "standard" cable layout.
- Mac function RS-232 function Mac pin DB-25 pin
- ------------ --------------- ------- ---------
- RxD (receive) Receive Data 5 3
- TxD (transmit) Transmit Data 3 2
- Ground Ground 4 & 8 7
- HSKi CTS 1 5
- HSKo RTS & DTR 2 4 & 20
- GPi CD 7 8
- The above layout sports all the same functions as the older
- cables, and also supports Carrier Detect. The problem is that only
- the upscale Macs support the GPi pin, so the vast majority of
- cable manufacturers simply leave off pin 7, and this includes both
- modems described in the TidBITS review, the PPI and the Supra (at
- least when we tested them a few months back). Once again all the
- BBS and ARA operators have been left out in the cold because
- Carrier Detect is on the GPi pin. Oddly enough, the above cable
- works with all modems, high or "low" speed, but many modem
- manufacturers still produce the two varieties of cables, muddying
- the waters further when they end up at stores where the
- salesthings seldom know the difference. Recently a friend of mine
- attempted to buy a "high speed Mac modem cable" from a local
- computer store and was given the old 2,400 bps pin-out cable. Be
- warned. [Cables from Celestin Company (800/835-5514 -- 206/385-
- 3767 -- 206/385-3586 (fax) -- celestin@netcom.com) do support the
- GPi pin properly -Adam]
- As I see it, any effort on the part of us Mac users may help in
- the long run. A simple email or fax to the manufacturers of
- improper cables goes a long way. If the majority of the modem
- makers switched to the newer cables, perhaps the problem would
- disappear in time. If you run a BBS, or are thinking about it,
- check your cables carefully; odds are they don't support Carrier
- Detect, leaving you hunting around for a cable that does.
- The problem is so bad that late last year we at SoftArc simply
- started to give out correct cables with all purchases of
- FirstClass. Believe it or not, it costs us a lot less to give away
- the cable with our program than it is to support the problems that
- arise when they attempt to use the cables they have. One common
- support question here can be solved almost instantly...
- "My modem doesn't hang up when someone with the VT-100 interface
- hangs up the phone," states the customer,
- "Switch over to the cable you found in the box and all with be
- fine," is my programmed reply.
- One sad fact remains, even the cable outlined above still doesn't
- have enough pins. The DTR pin in RS-232C is typically used to
- quickly hang up the phone, saving you some small amount on a long
- distance call. In order to support DTR it is cross-wired over to
- the Output Handshake pin on the Mac, the HSKo. The Mac pulls this
- pin when the modem is going too fast for the Mac, something that
- rarely happens with current modems. Unfortunately, v.fast (v.34)
- looms on the horizon, and some Macs can't run over 9,600 bps, so
- some setups may require this pin. If this is the case, you'll have
- to turn off DTR hang-up in your modem (typically by adding &D0 to
- your modem initialization string) and use it for handshaking
- instead. You'll note that the wiring above allows this single
- cable to support either function from the same pin.
- Information on the pin-outs, and speed limitations of the Mac
- serial ports can be found in the Knowledge Base area on our
- SoftArc Online BBS at 416/609-2250. If there is enough interest, I
- can post them as a FAQ as well.
- Smoothie With A Capital SMOO
- ----------------------------
- I'm beginning to like one-trick ponies. I like Toner Tuner, which
- lets you reduce the amount of toner or ink or ribbon you use when
- printing, and although I personally don't have much use for it, I
- think those of you who do presentations will like Smoothie, from
- Peirce Software. As its name implies, Smoothie has but one task in
- life - to smooth the edges of onscreen images. Smoothie
- accomplishes this with software anti-aliasing, the technique of
- filling in the steps in the jagged edges with intermediate colors
- so it appears smoother.
- Needless to say, if you're planning to print something out on a
- high-quality printer, you won't want to use Smoothie since the
- printer will take care of smoothing for you. Also, if you're
- working on a draft, there's no need to waste time and disk space
- using Smoothie. But, if you want to give a presentation with
- class, you might think about using Smoothie to clean up the jagged
- edges.
- Smoothie works only on object-oriented PICT images. You start a
- new Smoothie document, import a jagged graphic via the clipboard,
- the Import PICT command, or by subscribing to a PICT edition,
- check some settings, and then click the Go button. Once Smoothie
- has smoothed the image, you can switch back and forth between the
- original and the result to see how well Smoothie has done. At that
- point you can export the file as a bitmapped PICT, as a one-frame
- QuickTime movie (for inserting into a multiple-frame QuickTime
- movie as a title or other static graphic), or save it in
- Smoothie's native format. You can also copy the image to the
- clipboard or publish it . It's that simple.
- Of course, there are a few settings to fool around with, so you
- can adjust the number of colors to save, the scaling of the image,
- the dithering, whether or not the image should be immediately
- updated (both subscribed and published editions, which makes
- working in several programs via Publish & Subscribe much easier),
- and if you wish to use QuickTime compression. It was all quite
- self-explanatory, and there is balloon help, although I always
- find balloon help extremely sluggish and prone to freezing my
- machine temporarily when I use it.
- Now, if you're being properly critical, you'd say that this is all
- fine and nice, but it sounds like a lot of work if you have a lot
- of images. That's true, and to answer your objection I'd say that
- Smoothie has a batch processing feature that lets you import a
- Scrapbook file containing a bunch of images or a folder full of
- PICTs, convert them in order, and then save the results out to
- another Scrapbook file, a freely-redistributable Smoothie
- SlideShow, or a QuickTime movie. The first and last are self-
- explanatory, but a Smoothie SlideShow is just that, a self-running
- slideshow application that you can configure for automatic or
- manual advance and give to anyone.
- Also, not having ever used a presentation program seriously, I
- didn't realize this, but Smoothie creator Michael Peirce tells me
- that a lot of Smoothie users like to export an entire presentation
- from PowerPoint or Persuasion as a Scrapbook file and smooth it
- all in Smoothie, exporting a Smoothie SlideShow. An advantage of
- this method is that once you've smoothed the presentation, it's
- all graphics, so you don't have to have the proper fonts installed
- to get a nice-looking presentation. Presentations with major
- jaggies are always so painful to watch, and it seems that machines
- used for presentations never have the proper fonts installed.
- Smoothie's manual is clean, clear, and explains why certain
- options are useful rather than just mentioning that they exist, as
- so many manuals do. Should you need additional help, Peirce
- Software provides free technical support for registered users and
- even maintains an Internet account for ever-useful email support.
- Smoothie requires a color-capable Macintosh, and you'd be a fool
- not to have a hard drive and a fair amount of RAM. It will run in
- as little as 1 MB, but prefers lots more if possible. Software-
- wise, you need System 7.0 or later (except for the Smoothie
- SlideShows, which only require 6.0.2 or later along with Color
- QuickDraw), and you need QuickTime if you wish to use it for
- compression.
- Smoothie 1.02 lists for $149, but most people will probably go the
- mail order route, where it costs about $100 from MacZone and
- possibly others as well. You can order direct from Peirce Software
- for purchase orders and the like.
- Smoothie 1.02
- Peirce Software
- 719 Hibiscus Place
- Suite 301
- San Jose CA 95117
- 408/244-6554
- 408/244-6882 (fax)
- peirce@outpost.sf-bay.org
- Reviews/07-Jun-93
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK -- 31-May-93, Vol. 7, #22
- ClarisWorks 2.0 -- pg. 35
- AsanteHub 1012 with AsanteView -- pg. 35
- LapTrack 1.0 -- pg. 38
- Vocabulary Virtuoso 1.0 -- pg. 40
- * MacUser -- Jun-93
- addDepth and Adobe Dimensions -- pg. 46
- 4th Dimension 3.0.1 -- pg. 49
- Now Up-to-Date 2.0 -- pg. 56
- TimesTwo -- pg. 57
- Painter 2.0 -- pg. 58
- Theorist -- pg. 59
- FileDuo and Fastback Plus 3.0 -- pg. 61
- Project Scheduler 5 -- pg. 65
- Peachtree Accounting for Macintosh -- pg. 72
- Peace of Mind -- pg. 79
- SafeLock -- pg. 79
- Lemmings -- pg. 79
- DragInstall -- pg. 80
- 7th Heaven -- pg. 80
- Creative Writing Tools -- pg. 94
- Collaborator II 2.01
- Plots Unlimited 1.04
- StoryLine 1.4
- WritePro 2.1
- LCD Panels and Projectors -- pg. 134
- (too many to list)
- Kodak RFS 2035 Scanner -- pg. 147
- Windows for Macintosh Products -- pg. 171
- SoftPC with Windows
- OrangePC
- * Macworld -- Jul-93
- Double-Speed CD-ROM drives -- pg. 98
- (too many to list)
- Desktop Calendars -- pg. 104
- (too many to list)
- LocalTalk to Ethernet Routers -- pg. 110
- (too many to list)
- Macintosh LC III -- pg. 134
- Fractal Design Painter 2.0 -- pg. 136
- PrintPartner 10W -- pg. 138
- Apple Color OneScanner; Ofoto 2.0 -- pg. 140
- 7th Heaven 2.5 -- pg. 146
- MacWrite Pro -- pg. 148
- Apple Adjustable Keyboard -- pg. 150
- Macintosh PowerBook 165c -- pg. 152
- Alias Sketch 1.5 -- pg. 158
- VideoFusion 1.0.1 -- pg. 160
- Blueprint 4.0 -- pg. 162
- Virtus Walkthrough 1.1.3 -- pg. 164
- BestBooks 1.1 -- pg. 166
- Voyager II -- pg. 166
- DynoPage 2.0 -- pg. 168
- Billy Steinberg's PBTools 1.0.1 -- pg. 170
- Wingz 1.1ae -- pg. 170
- Helix Express 1.0 -- pg. 172
- Alki Seek 2.1 -- pg. 172
- Spyglass Dicer 2.0 -- pg. 174
- Hi-Rez Audio Volume 1.0 -- pg. 174
- FutureBASIC 1.0 -- pg. 176
- PG:PRO 1.0 -- pg. 176
- Object Logo Student Edition -- pg. 178
- Decimal & Fraction Maze 1.2 -- pg. 178
- Easy Color Paint 3.0 -- pg. 180
- Millie's Math House -- pg. 180
- ..
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